Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Many people think that the KKK was formed as a hate group that went around killing African Americans, Immigrants and Jewish people. But in reality the KKK was formed as a kind of fraternity. A place where white males can go to be around people just like them. The KKK was formed in 1865 and usually arises in times of economic change or unease. The fear of the people would cause the group to rise and try to "correct" the wrong that they perceived in the society.
Many people think that the KKK was formed as a hate group that went around killing African Americans, Immigrants and Jewish people. But in reality the KKK was formed as a kind of fraternity. A place where white males can go to be around people just like them. The KKK was formed in 1865 and usually arises in times of economic change or unease. The fear of the people would cause the group to rise and try to "correct" the wrong that they perceived in the society.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Martin Luther King Jr, also a well known civil rights activist was more into the peaceful demonstration of civil rights. He did not believe in using violence to get his way. He was one of the many people to die for the cause. His death cause a shockwave, the "push" that helped lead to the end of segregation which in essence is slavery.
One of the most well know civil rights fighters was Malcolm X. Malcolm X was into the rapid change of how African Americans were treated. He didn't want a gradual change he wanted a change that could be seen right away. He wanted all of the racist people in the world to see that African Americans were the same as everyone else. He wanted this "by any means necessary".

Malcolm X's style was welcomed by alot of people but also feared by alot of people. They feared that if the African American population pushed that the forced that was to be pushed back would be greater and more severe.

The chapter touches on Rev. Elijah Lovejoy. He was one of the many people that gave his life for the abolishionist cause. Frederick Douglas (a very well know abolisionist) fought for the same rights for African Americans as Rev. Elijah Lovejoy. Not all abolisionist wanted freedom at the same "spped" with the same timing. Some abolisionist were into the gradual change of things, the thougbht was that rapid change wouldn't sit well with the american public or that such rapid change would cause more problems. Other's thought thst their should be rapid change and that rapid change would give the people that were into slavery no other choice but to change.
For this blog I decided to pick chapter 2 in "Mighter Than The Sword" by Roger Streitmatter. I choice to pick this topic because I have interest in it. This chapter talks about the root of slavery. Most of the stories in this chapter are about the impact slavery has had on the United States. This chapter also talked about both sides. It wasn't one sided it talked about the norht and the souths perspective on what slavery is and or was. I think that this topic is an extremely important part of American history because it has effected alot of people and is constantly coming bac up. No matter what is talked about. Race issues are some of the most charged conversations in talk even today. People bring it up even if they don't realize it. But people also use race as a scapegoat, when somethig doesn't go their way they throw the race card. They use race as a crutch that winds up only hurting them in the end.