Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The chapter touches on Rev. Elijah Lovejoy. He was one of the many people that gave his life for the abolishionist cause. Frederick Douglas (a very well know abolisionist) fought for the same rights for African Americans as Rev. Elijah Lovejoy. Not all abolisionist wanted freedom at the same "spped" with the same timing. Some abolisionist were into the gradual change of things, the thougbht was that rapid change wouldn't sit well with the american public or that such rapid change would cause more problems. Other's thought thst their should be rapid change and that rapid change would give the people that were into slavery no other choice but to change.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy your blog exspecially the pictures of Malclom X and Martin Luther King JR. I really want to hear you voice come through but otherwise I really enjoyed it and want to see more from you
