Wednesday, April 18, 2012

For this blog I decided to pick chapter 2 in "Mighter Than The Sword" by Roger Streitmatter. I choice to pick this topic because I have interest in it. This chapter talks about the root of slavery. Most of the stories in this chapter are about the impact slavery has had on the United States. This chapter also talked about both sides. It wasn't one sided it talked about the norht and the souths perspective on what slavery is and or was. I think that this topic is an extremely important part of American history because it has effected alot of people and is constantly coming bac up. No matter what is talked about. Race issues are some of the most charged conversations in talk even today. People bring it up even if they don't realize it. But people also use race as a scapegoat, when somethig doesn't go their way they throw the race card. They use race as a crutch that winds up only hurting them in the end.

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